Arhivi Kategorije: Learning Contract

My learning contract


What is the topic I wish to learn about?


New ICT tools in my classroom


What is the purpose of my task? Why do I wish to learn about or learn to do a particular task?

I would like my students to be more effective in using ICT inside the classroom.


What kind of technological, material and human resources do I need? How can I get access to these?

I will need technology, such as a computer or a tablet where I will explore articles about assessment. I will attend courses that are connected to this topic.   I will exchange ideas with my coworkers and people participating in the course. I will ask my ICT coworker for help if needed.


How do I intend to go about learning this particular topic/task? What action may be involved and in what order will these be carried out?

I will learn about the tools from different articles and on the Euneos Course. Then I will implement them into my learning process and try them with my students. I will do the reflection and change my annual preparation.

Outcome evaluation

How will I know when I have completed the task/topic successfully? How shall I judge success?

I will do the reflection after using different types of eAssessment with my students. I will use the ones that will be easy with younger students. Also my plan of activities will show the use of tools, that is why the annual preparation will show if I completed the task.